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About Us

Our History

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

"Ralph Waldo Emerson"
It all began with a pre-pandemic vision, when the founders saw an opportunity to impact communities through affordable housing, workforce, community development, and education. They realized there was a lack of 5 million homes and jobs across the nation and America would shift its focus on creating equal opportunities for all, the way students were learning had evolved and now it was time to shift the focus and take action.
Soon, the founders vision began to take shape. Kamran, Heydari the President, and Sergio Guzman the VP and secretary headed the business, laying the foundation and forging the path for Elizabeth Poggiogalle to Join the founders to lead the way into a successful build. The goal was to accelerate the mission for H.O.P.E. and create awareness across the states, keeping in mind a vision for H.O.P.E. to go international.
Although the pandemic forced some setbacks, the founders restructured, reorganized, and excelled past COVID-19. H.O.P.E. now has 12 employees, 7 external partnerships with various entities, and a variety of community development opportunities.
Come work with us

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success

-Edward Everrett Hale-
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